NDCN Community Matters Podcast
NDCN Community Matters Podcast has been created to enable issues that matter to communities to be raised and explored in an informal and accessible way, whilst seeking to lobby decision makers about how important community views, voices and experiences are, and that they really do matter.
Episode 019 - "Accessing this support can transform lives." Stephen Holywood, Benefits Advisor for Ards & North Down Community Advice.
Join us for helpful walk through the types of benefits support available to people over pension age. Stephen explains the options, support and criteria in a simple and clear way. He outlines the links between Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit and the ‘passport’ to other sources of support that some benefits can lead to. The aim? To help give back to people over pension age who deserve to enjoy their twilight years.
Episode 018 - USEL ’No two people are the same and we see and support the potential in everyone.'
Join us as we chat with Rachel McHugh & Phil McFall and explore the amazing work of the largest provider employment support for people with health conditions and disabilities in Northern Ireland, USEL. They explain the origins of the amazing work they do and how they take a tailored and person centred approach to helping people from all walks of life get prepared for, secure, and sustain paid employment. They clearly love the work they do and believe passionately in the ability and potential of every person they support. Outlining the importance of their partnerships with employers, they explain the unique approach they take to making employment work for all.
Episode 017 - 'It's not a cost of living crisis, it's a cost of profitering'
Join us for a conversation with QUB Professor, climate campaigner and Green Party member John Barry. We discuss power, decision-making, the lack of engagement by North Down residents in politics and the many inequalities that exist for some of the most vulnerable in our communities. How can politics be more inspiring for people to get involved in and why should they?'
Episode 016 - 'Don't wait, if you have any symptoms, get in touch'
Pamela is the lead Urology nurse at the Ulster Hospital and tells us more about the different types of urology Cancer - Bladder, Kidney, Penile, Prostate and Testicular. Pamela explains common signs and symptoms people should be looking for and when to reach out to GP for further tests. Pamela's role really excels once a patient has been diagnosed and this podcast details the range of support services available to not only the patient but also to the family.
Episode 015 - Grainia Long CEO of NIHE 'For the person at the end of that decision, it could be life changing’
Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the strategic housing authority for Northern Ireland and one of the largest publicly owned social landlords in Europe. ‘For the person at the end of that decision, it could be life changing’ Housing vital to us all, join us for a helpful conversation about the realities of social housing, efforts being made to address homelessness, the challenges of the points system, waiting lists and how to provide a supportive service in the midst of housing needs.
Episode 014 - An inspiring journey of passion to help others.
The North Down duo Pam Williamson and Marilyn Toogood take us on their journey of how they became friends to now working together, walking the streets to help support vulnerable adults and connect with the youth. From Holywood to Ballywalter, their christian faith support helps to make a real difference on the streets on a Friday and Saturday night. Their volunteers help from getting people home safe, to giving out flip flops, listening to those in distress and helping to signpost people to other services, this is a great listen!
Episode - 013 "Reducing the stigma of mental health'
Head of Support Services for Aware NI, Rhonda leads the conversation in telling people a little bit of background into Aware NI and their main objectives of supporting people with a mental health illness, with a focus on anxiety and depression. Aware NI offers great support around the local area in terms of face to face support, group support and online courses. A big aspect of their work is getting people to help fundraise, and in light of recent funding changes, Rhonda discusses how important it is that now more than ever, their need to call upon people to help raise vital funds to continue current services.
Recorded live at North Down Community Network. -
Episode 012 - 'If you have concerns about Dementia, reach out for support.'
Lynda is the local Ards & North Down area Dementia Advisor. Lynda talks about the signs and symptoms of Dementia and the most common diagnosis within NI. You will hear about support available if you are worried about a family member, friend or neighbour in relation to memory loss. There are lots of exciting new projects available including group support groups and a new dementia friendly wellbeing classes.
Episode 011 - 'Local help for people with addictions...'
Connections Service with Neil Listen to Lindsey chat to Neil from the PHA Connections Service team talking about all things alcohol related and services of support they offer. You will find out more information about what and who the Connections Service team are, what's on offer for people seeking help and support and with particular focus on ads/North Down borough what is running across the area that you can be involved in. With alcohol awareness week due to begin Monday 19th June, we will also be discussing campaign activity and where you can access support.
Episode 010 - 'I was fed up shouting at the TV'
Recorded back in Nov 22, join us for a conversation with Councillor Rachel Woods as she walks us through her journey in and out of politics at both a Northern Ireland Assembly and local Council level. She discusses her nerves about first meetings, imposter syndrome, learning how politics really works and how she now believes passionately in working smarter and trying to make politics really work for the people of Northern Ireland.
Episode 009 - (pilot) 'When will we ever learn?'
This was our first pilot recording and much like a chat between old friends. We meet Paul Nolan independent researcher, former WEA (Workers Education Authority) Manager and Peace Monitoring Report author. We explore the connection between International conflicts and Northern Ireland, the development of grassroots movements and vitally how broken the education system has been, and continues to be, for so many young people and the dangers that presents. Creating more questions than answers, we hope you enjoy the conversation.
Episode 008 - From Bags of broken biscuits to an OBE (part 2)
Description goes hereTerence Brannigan OBE- 'Innovation cannot exist without challenge and change' The second part of an inspiring conversation with Terence as he outlines the work with students and how it inspires, motivates and ‘charges' him!
He outlines how the confirming nature of Northern Ireland can be limiting the achievements in this ‘decade of innovation’ and how not prioritising business plans is where he begins with many to support their big dreams and aspirations! A valuable listen and some interesting ideas about NI today and what is needed to change things for the better, for all.
Episode 007 - North Down YMCA
Our local North Down YMCA has been in Bangor since 1979, offering a range of support services.
Julie-Ann Skinner, Community Worker, explains more about their services of support across the Borough including a programme of activities, their community cafe, youth work provision, tenancy support and community engagement.
Episode 006 - Saving money the simple way
We hear from Ronan Convery from the Consumer Council as he takes us through the very real challenges so many people and families are facing as the cost-of-living crisis continues to impact so many families.
Thankfully the £600 Energy Bill Support scheme is on it’s way to households but what else can be done?
The consumer council offer great information about how to compare costs, change energy companies and
not only the support available but the range of helpful guides and support available from the Consumer Council; they provide free, independent support and advice for consumers and also have the power to investigate complaints about energy, transport and many more issues. For more information about these tools and the support available please go to: https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk
Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films
Episode 005 - How going with the grain of the brain can transform children's education
We hear from John Kelly from Fingerprint Learning as he guides us through an understanding of the brain we rarely hear.
Turning common questions on their heads, understanding how dementia can me minimised, how the brain of entrepreneurs operate and vitally how valuable it is to challenge what we think of as ‘educational underachievement’ , and how an asset based approach can enable parents, educators and children to really value the innate smartnesses they have; changing the question from ‘are you smart? to ‘how are you smart?’.
For more information on the approach and go to: https://www.fingerprintlearning.com Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films
Episode 004 - From bags of broken biscuits to an OBE
Terence Brannigan OBE takes us on the fascinating journey from his working class roots in York Park Belfast, through to his Sullivan education in Holywood and London career success, then return home to Northern Ireland.
His love of reading, strong work ethnic, desire for challenge and value of education proving to be the essential tools he needed to take him on his journey including Chair of CBI (Confederation of British Industries) and more recently, the Chair of the Northern Ireland Tourist board.
His journey, passion for supporting young enterprise, and in spite of its challenges, his love for Northern Ireland, are relatable to all. PART 1 of 2 episodes. Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films
Episode 003 - Debt Doesn't Have to Destroy
An informative conversation with Ashleen Johnston from Christians Against Poverty (CAP) about the brilliant support available to people who are struggling with debt, money management and how to get through the cost-of-living crisis we are in the midst of.
The clear message is that support is available in a tailored, understanding and non-judgemental way, often from people who have been on the journey out of debt themselves.
The support is practical, and both short and long term depending on what a person needs or how their circumstances change.
Ashleen explains their compassionate listening ear, and types of support available and the range of tools to help.
For help and advice go to: www.capdebthelp.org or call: 0800 328 3336 Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films
Episode 002 - The Be Kind Project
'The Be Kind Project'.
A walking inspiration, Hannah Hendry is the mother of two young sons with learning disabilities and one of the founders of the Be Kind Project.
The project started as a supportive environment for parents and/or family members of children with a learning disability who are seeking friendship, understanding and support.
Now delivering workshops for children and young people, as well as parents, the project and the support for families is growing from strength to strength and the heart and mission behind it, is an inspiration. Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films
Episode 001 - 'What is the cost-of-living really costing us?’
We meet Zoe Parker from Community Advice Ards & North Down as she walks us through the range of support and services that are available in Bangor and Ards to people as they face the cost of living crisis and other changes coming down the tracks.
The conversation includes a summary of support from dedicated advisors, through to the fear people can have of the benefits system, to help with benefits forms and managing debt, Zoe walks us through the real life experiences of people and the local support and advice available.
For help & advise please call CAAND on: 0300 123 9287 Recorded live at the North Down Community Network in Bangor, County Down. Northern Ireland.
Recorded live at North Down Community Hub Bangor. Produced by Kyle @ Uplift Films